9 Reasons For Aerogarden Mint Not Growing 

Growing mint in your garden is a thoughtful idea. But, not everyone has a garden! It’s in circumstances like this that someone might decide to grow mint in an aero garden. Let us understand why the aerogarden mint may not be growing.

Reasons for aerogarden mint not growing are Inadequate lighting, lack of water, poor oxygen and nutrient levels, diseases, incorrect temperatures, or aerogarden equipment itself. 

1) Incorrect Lighting

Correct lighting plays a crucial part in successfully growing mint or any herb for that matter in an aerogarden setup. An excess or deficiency of sunlight will not provide optimal growth. It will lead to stunted growth if any growth at all is visible! 

Placing the grow light too far away from your mint will lead to insufficient light. While placing it too close can prove excessive for your mint. When first growing your mint from seeds, the grow light should be on as close to the seeds as possible.

However, after they germinate and grow a bit, the light should be gradually moved further away. Failure to move the light as the mint grows can result in your aerogarden mint not growing.

Find out how to harvest mint without killing the plant! 

2) Water

When growing mint through the aerogarden technique, water is perhaps one of the most crucial factors involved. Especially for germinating seeds that need water to break their covering. 

Water usually acts as a diluent for the concentrated nutrient solution. When you mix them, it makes a dilute nutrient solution that the sprouting seeds will find easier to absorb. 

One unobserved reason why water could be the reason your aerogarden mint is not growing is the quality of water you are using. Hard water, well or spring water could easily be adulterated with harmful amounts of minerals or metals.

Distilled water is the best option and you won’t have to worry about your aerogarden mint not growing since the water is mineral-free! 

Always wondered what category Mint fits in? Finally, get the answer by reading this blog: Is Mint a creeper? 

3) Oxygen levels

Along with water, oxygen is another crucial factor for mint growing in aerogardens. That’s true simply because all germinating plants and herbs do not take in oxygen from their leaves initially.

Sprouting mint will rely heavily on its roots for oxygen intake. Aerogardens come with what is called a bubbler system (oxygenator) that steadily bubbles the water, allowing roots to take it in. 

It should be your top-most priority to ensure this equipment is working 24/7, and working properly! 

Failure to provide a steady flow of oxygen will lead your mint to imminent death, especially if it has still not germinated. 

4) Nutrient Quantity

Adding the nutrient solution in the right quantity at the right time is essential. Inability to do so will lead to your aerogarden mint not growing or even sprouting far enough to be called a mint plant!

Both a deficiency and excess of the nutrients will cause growth and health-related problems for your herb. Make sure to look up the right nutrient mix and the prescribed amount and clean out your seed pot as it may have residues. 

Usually, the growing solution should be replenished every 2 weeks. However, depending on the mint variety and aerogarden machine, nutrient requirements may differ. Either way, be sure to keep an eye on the solution since the growth of your mint depends on it!

Should you let your Mint flower?

5) Diseases

Also, the disease is a problem aerogarden growers struggle with. Although aerogarden is indoors and provides a totally different environment for your mint to grow in, it cannot completely control every aspect.

As a result, you will find that your mint is prone to air and soil/water-borne diseases. The air is not completely sterile and will be susceptible to infections initiated by bacteria. The same applies if you don’t use soil and water that is not sterile. 

Generally, such small infections shouldn’t pose a great risk if you are using sterile water and have an indoor air purifier. However, plant tissue analysis is yet to make a discovery of the effects at the plant’s cellular level! 

6) Temperature

Seeds will only start to grow after they germinate. But, germination does not occur at the same temperature as growth. A lot warmer temperatures are necessary to make your mint germinate and then grow. 

Ideally mint will germinate at a temperature of 68-75 °F (20-24 °C). After this, it will tolerate a much milder temperature. 

Aerogarden mint not growing due to inadequate temperature is not exactly a problem for aerogarden. It is more likely that the aerogarden is incorrectly positioned. 

Being near a window, the sun may heat up the apparatus and water. This is bad since heated water holds less oxygen, leading to an oxygen deficiency for the mint. As a result, you must position your aerogarden where it will stay warm but not hot enough to deplete oxygen. 

7) Infestations

Indoors usually makes a great place to grow the occasional herb. However, your house may be enticing to another group of organisms. Any guesses as to who we mean?

Pests and fungal infection harboring microorganisms would take up residence in your aerogarden mint due to the availability of resources and suitable warm but moist conditions. 

The presence of colored dots that are fluffy and white or black in color are sure signs of an infestation. Also, inspect your mint carefully and thoroughly for pests that can be found indoors eating your mint or using it as a nursery for their eggs. 

8) Wrong Nutrient Solution

Occasionally you will find that you are giving the right quantity of nutrient solution but still, your aerogarden mint isn’t growing. This poses a mystery that only has one possible answer.

There must be some fault with the nutrient solution if the mint seeds are not germinating or growing at all. The solution must be too strong or too weak! That’s why it’s not adequate for mint germination and growth. 

You’re better off replacing the nutrient solution that is more suited to the aerogarden mint. Perhaps a lower or a higher concentration will do the trick and make your mint grow. This problem is more common when solutions aren’t provided with the aerogarden. 

9) The Aerogarden Itself!

Another unthought-of and uncommon reason for aerogarden mint not growing is the aerogarden itself! This refers to any irregularity or issue in any of the hardware parts or apparatus involved. 

Slowly bubble equipment or faulty/flickering lights can impair aerogarden mint growth. You will have to rectify the problem or replace the faulty part if you want to correct growth. Mind you, this could cost you your mint if it takes too long!

A faulty aerogarden will require servicing or replacing and this will spoil your crop of mint. You will just have to give mint a second shot when you have your apparatus up and ready to start growing again. 


When you realize your aerogarden mint not growing at all you would be met with disappointment. But more than that, you will be curious as to why and what went wrong. There actually are several reasons why mint hasn’t grown in the aerogarden and you may have to check them all off one at a time.

Aerogarden mint might not grow because one of the following conditions was not optimal for growth and even germination: 

  • Incorrect Lighting
  • Water
  • Oxygen Levels
  • Nutrients
  • Diseases
  • Temperature
  • Infestations
  • Aerogarden Equipment 

To make sure your mint grows properly, you should go out of your way to make sure all conditions are suitable. Even if one factor is off, it could compromise the health and growth of your mint plant. 

Wondering why there are white spots on your Mint leaves? Read the Reasons and solutions for white spots on Mint leaves.   


How long does it take Mint to germinate in an aerogarden?

Usually, seed pod instructions say the mint will germinate in 6 to 10 days. However, this varies greatly and some growers have even experienced their mint germinating after 25 days! So, the germination period can vary. The growing environment and mint variety may influence the timeline. 

What other herbs can be grown in an aerogarden?

Apart from mint, a wide array of herbs can be grown in an aerogarden. Examples include dill, basil, thyme, coriander, and lettuce. They generally share the same requirements but may grow at different rates. You can grow them simultaneously. 

How to prune Mint aerogarden? 

Pruning mint actually occurs when you harvest it. You can prune/harvest aerogarden mint by cutting it with shears at the intersecting branch. This is usually just below the stem on which the mint leaves grow. You are better off cutting lower stems. But do leave a few on to promote growth. 

Is Mint cold hardy?

Mint prefers to grow at temperatures between 55 and 70°F (13–21ºC). But, this mint can survive until the first frost and lasts longer in winter when grown indoors. Growing them in an aerogarden does provide the opportunity to grow them throughout the year or for the most part of a year!